1. litRiddle::books
    Measurements of 401 novels
  2. litRiddle::frequencies
    Word frequencies (5000 most frequent words) of 401 novels.
    matrix|401 x 5000
  3. litRiddle::motivations
    Reviewers' motivations for their scores (if given)
  4. litRiddle::respondents
    Respondents' Answers
  5. litRiddle::reviews
    Reviewers' scores
  6. stylo::galbraith
    Table of word frequencies (Galbraith, Rowling, Coben, Tolkien, Lewis)
    stylo.data|26 x 3000
  7. stylo::lee
    Table of word frequencies (Lee, Capote, Faulkner, Styron, etc.)
    matrix|28 x 3000
  8. stylo::novels
    A selection of 19th-century English novels
  9. tidystopwords::multilingual_stoplist
    Multilingual Stop-Word List